06-18-2009 Workshop ". 19200 West CountrY Cluh Drive AventurH Fl, 111 RO City Commission Workshop MeetinK June 18, 2009 9 A.M. Executive Conference Room III 1 11 AGENDA 1. Incentives for Construction of Green Building ( City Manager)* Future Action Required: Ordinance 2. Florida Green Local Government Certification (City Manager)* 3. Recommendation to Present Key to City (Mayor Gottlieb)* 4. Selection of Voting Delegate for Florida League of Cities* 5. Adjournment * Back-up Information Exists This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office ofthe City Clerk, 305-466-890 I, not later than two days prior to such proceeding, CITY OF AVENTURA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: TO: BY: Joanne Carr, AICP Community Developme DATE: June 10, 2009 SUBJECT: Incentives for Construction of Green Buildings in the City of Aventura June 18, 2009 City Commission Workshop To continue and expand the City's "Go Green" program to promote green initiatives, staff recommends that the City Commission review incentives for developers whose building designs include the use of sustainable building and development planning methods and that are registered and verified by a recognized environmental rating agency. These agencies include the United States Green Building Coalition LEED rating system and the Florida Green Building Coalition rating system. Green buildings use environmentally superior building materials, reduce waste generated by the construction project, employ mechanical systems and technologies that are energy efficient, conserve water and are designed to minimize impacts on local natural habitat. Green buildings are healthier for the occupants than traditional construction by relying on natural daylight for illumination and using less toxic building and cleaning materials. Many states, counties and cities throughout the country have implemented green building ordinances. Staff has canvassed the County and other Miami-Dade municipalities and found the following ordinances in effect: . In May of 2007, Miami-Dade County passed an ordinance creating the Office of Sustainability to manage green initiatives, including green building applications. The County provides expedited permit review for all private residential or commercial projects pursuing LEED certification. . The proposed City of Miami - Miami 21 Plan - will require all private buildings over 50,000 square feet to be LEED Silver certified, with a density bonus for LEED Gold and Platinum levels. . The City of Miami Lakes adopted an ordinance in 2007 providing for expedited permit review, possible fee reductions or rebates for residential developments, signage on the construction site and recognition of the building on the City's website. . The City of Miami Beach adopted a green building ordinance in April of 2009. The program is voluntary for private developments. Incentives include expedited building permit review and inspections, that is, green buildings are given priority over projects that are not green buildings. Developers may receive from the City a refund of application and review fees for green building certification along with 1 % of the value of construction. Additional signage is permitted for a green building, the project is included in the city's website and press releases and a green building award program is established. Staff recommends the following incentives for green buildings in our City: I. LEED Certified and Silver Buildinqs or equivalent: . Expedited building permit review and inspection, so that applications for green buildings would be given review and inspection priority over applications that do not involve a green building . Expedited site plan review with priority given to applications for green buildings . Marketing of green buildings on site construction sites. (This would require an amendment to the City's Sign Code to permit additional language on construction signs). . Inclusion of green buildings on the "Go Green" page on the City's website to recognize the building and to direct businesses that wish to lease or buy in a green building. . Green Building Award at the annual "Go Green" awards ceremony. . Administrative variances to allow orientation of the building to take full advantage of available natural resources, such as yard setbacks, driveways, and/or architectural design standards needed to support the proposed design in the opinion of the City Manager. (This would require an amendment to the City Code to provide for these administrative variances). II. LEED Gold or Platinum Buildinqs or equivalent: In addition to the incentives above for LEED Certified and Silver or equivalent buildings: . Density bonus as a conditional use approval rather than a variance approval. This would provide a compatibility standard rather than a hardship standard for 2 increased density for this level of certification. (This would require an amendment to the City Code to add this bonus to the list of conditional uses in zoning districts). In order to ensure that incentives are provided only for certified green buildings, staff recommends adding a definition of green building to the City Code and also adding a code requirement that the developer enter into an agreement with the City to provide a copy of program registration, proposed certification checklist and detail of proposed credits for certification. The proposed level of certification could be guaranteed by bond or letter of credit, which would be forfeited to the City if the level is not attained. Staff will prepare an ordinance based on City Commission's direction. 3 CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE: June 11, 2009 TO: City Commission FROM: Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, Cit SUBJECT: Recommendation to Participate in Florida Green Local Government Certification RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the City's participation in the Florida Green Local Government Certification program sponsored by the Florida Green Builders Coalition (FGBC). BACKGROUND The Florida Green Local Government Standard was created under a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Florida Energy Office. The FGBC Green Local Government Standard designates Green Cities and Green Counties for outstanding environmental stewardship. It is expected that certified green city and county governments will not only gain recognition and publicity, but also function in a more efficient manner through better internal communication, cost reductions, and effective risk and asset management. This standard presents a comprehensive list of criteria, organized in terms of local government department functions. It focuses on improving environmental performance through a number of mediums (energy, water, air, land, waste), and evaluates: . Environmental practices done "in-house" . Incentives and ordinances to foster green practices . Educational activities to improve the environment The FGBC Green Local Government Standard is similar to other green standards currently in effect in Florida and many other states, yet very unique in its target. In essence, a list of criteria is presented, and each is assigned a point value. A minimum total point value is set that represents a bar, and local governments who incorporate sufficient criteria such that they meet or exceed the bar are "certified" or "registered" as a Green Local Government. Typical components of green building programs have Memo to City Commission Page 2 traditionally targeted individual buildings and land developments. One of the goals of the Local Government Standard is to increase the penetration of many types of green activities. The Maximum Applicable points are determined by the scope and purpose of the government agency, and certain criteria such as utilities would not apply to the City of Aventura. a. Platinum level 61 % + of Maximum Applicable Points (MAP). b. Gold Level 41-60% of MAP c. Silver Level 21-40% of MAP d. Registered level is under 20% with commitment to achieve Silver level. The following outlines the process involved to proceed with the Florida Green Local Government Certification program: 1. Select Coordinator 2. Contact FGBC as to the City's intent as they assign an evaluator to help guide City through the process. 3. Submit pre-application form with $500 application fee. 4. Determine what criteria apply to the City. 5. Conduct an assessment review and evaluation. 6. Schedule implementation schedule for compliance. 7. Submit Final Application with $3,500 balance for certification levels with appropriate required documentation. 8. FGBC evaluates application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS/ r-'~ I l~ 1 1.8 U 0) en 0) ..... ro > 'C a. 0) =:; >. .0 I~ 1m - .0 e o +:: a. o '0 ro L- 0) ..... en o - .8 ~ o l.c I~ ..0 'ro 10> I.~ e L- ro ~ '0 e ro L-- o ro ,~ '0 e e ro en ro en 0> e :Q I'S ..0 ....1 ~ zo> WI 0> 1 e :E.~ 0..1 ~ OlE ...J I 0 w:: . >I~~ Wee C2E C e E ro 0 Z U U <C ~ ~ 5j+:: C>E5j z1ij~ - a...... C~'O ...J O):!: :::::;: en ID _ 0) e r:n~2 '0 ~ ;!::: I/) Q) '0 - > Q) t: .!!:! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '- '0 J: U a.. U <( E Q) ;j :0 I/) E Cll - U t: .)( = '0 Cll a. a.. :2;~ E Q) ;j :0 I/) E - 'ii) t: lO lO N --r --r --r lO .- .- .- .- .- .- .)( I/) '0 Cll 0 a.. . :2; a.. , a) U e ,~ . Ci . 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Q) D- z o Zl- W...J W~ O:u (!)(!) ~Z ~~ -0 ci> ro O:...J ,~o 0- :Q () ...J:J ~,~ ~i ~i~i ~ r , I J I ' CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR MEMORANDUM FROM: Susan Gottlieb, Mayor TO: DATE: June 8, 2009 SUBJECT: Recommendation to Present Key to City to Chef Allen Susser Please place this item on the June Workshop for discussion, Attached is Chef Allen's resume and Resolution 2005-62 which sets forth the criteria for presentation of Keys to the City, Thank you, SG/tms ~ CHEF ALLEN'S ALLEN SUSSER, CHEF/OWNER, CHEF ALLEN'S: AN INNOVATIVE STAR CHEF WITH A CHARITABLE HEART Allen Susser's personal culinary viewpoint was established in 1986, when he opened his groundbreaking Miami restaurant, Chef Allen's, The New York Times called Allen and his palm tree cuisine, the "Ponce De Leon of New F/orida cooking," The restaurant, which showcased fresh, regional ingredients, including a myriad of lovely spices and South Florida's cornucopia of tropical fruits, in vibrant, healthy and flavorful dishes, became a major dining destination, attracting food and wine aficionados from all over the world, Today, Allen has re-envisioned his landmark restaurant, refurbishing the interiors to create a more contemporary bistro ambiance, and introducing a mid-priced modern American seafood menu, Along the way, he has garnered numerous awards. In 1991, Food & Wine magazine joined the culinary fan club, naming Allen "One of the 10 Best New Chefs in America." He was a recipient of the coveted James Beard Award as Best Chef in the Southeast, in 1994, In 1997 and again in 1999, Chef Allen's received a "Top Table" award from Gourmet magazine. Chef Allen's has been the recipient of the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, from 1989 - 2008; and from 2002-2006, the restaurant was rated #1 for cuisine in Miami in Zagat's. From 1992-2008, the restaurant received the prestigious Four Diamond Award of Excellence from AAA, Chef Allen and his restaurant have been featured in Bon Appetit, the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, and Food Arts, among many others, Allen has been a frequent guest on NBC Today, the CBS Early Show, WPBS and the Food Network. Critics from Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel, Miami New Times, Florida Trend, have continuously awarded Chef Allen's exceptional ratings, In 2008, he re-envisioned Chef Allen's as a more approachable, affordable "Modern Seafood Bistro," and continues to garner critical accolades, A top chef for more than two decades, he's also known as a chef with a charitable mission, unending energy and a big heart, In 2004, Chef Allen received the FlU President's Award for community service. From 1987 to the present, Chef Allen has been chairman of Share Our Strength/Taste of the Nation (SOSITON); in 2006, the organization named him "Chef of the Year," He's also an active board member of the Daily Bread Food Bank, which helps the SOSITON distribute food to the needy, In his role as chairman of SOSITON, he has put in literally hundreds of pro bono hours to help raise more than $2 million to fight childhood hunger; including the creation of the Great American Bake Sale at Aventura Mall -- and his unswerving devotion to this cause and his community has never diminished, Active in many culinary organizations that educate the community and hold the industry to the highest of standards, Allen is a member of the Advisory Board of the James Beard Foundation, and a member of the national and local boards of the American Institute of Food & Wine. He serves as President of the Miami chapter of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association and is a member of the Florida Commissioner's Seafood and Aquaculture Committee, He's been the spokesperson for the National Mango Board for the past give years, and previously served as chef consultant for American Airlines, KitchenAid, Fairchild Tropical Gardens, Celebrity Cruises, McCormick Spice, and Sunkist. Chef Allen bio Page 2 Given all this, he still find time to pursue creative projects - and is currently assisting with the creation of a new restaurant utilizing local ingredients, many grown on-site, for the ultra exclusive Jade Mountain Resort, in St. Lucia, West Indies, A food enthusiast since his childhood in Manhattan, Susser began his culinary journey by earning degrees from New York City Tech, Florida International University and Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, He worked at the Bristol Hotel in Paris, the original Le Cirque in New York as well as Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, A talented writer, he is the author of New World Cuisine and Cookery (Doubleday, 1995), The Great Citrus Book (Ten Speed Press, 1997) and The Great Mango Book, (Ten Speed Press, 2001), He publishes a monthly e-newsletter Savvy at www.chefallens.com Chef Allen's, located at 19088 NE 29th Avenue, in Aventura, serves dinner nightly, 6:00 p,m. - 10:30 p,m" Sunday - Thursday and 6:00 p,m, -11 :00 p,m. on Friday and Saturday, Reservations: 305-935-2900, www.chefallens.com Interviews, images, menus available, Media Contact: Susan Brustman Brustman Carrino Public Relations bcpr@brustmancarrinopr.com (305) 573-0658 RESOLUTION NO. 200~2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURAt FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR THE A WARD OF KEYS TO THE CITY OF A VENTURA; APPROVING PROTOTYPE KEY TO THE CITY OF AVENTURA; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, from time to time. it is appropriate for the Mayor and the City Commission of the City of Aventura to award or present keys to the City of Aventura (the "City Key") to individuals who are worthy of special recognition by the City because of their actions or accomplishments; and WHEREASt the City Commission desires to establish criteria for the award and presentation of the City Key, as described herein, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. That the above stated recitals are hereby confmned and adopted, Section 2. City Kev Prototyoe. That the prototype or sample of the City Key. which is depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, is hereby approved for use as the City Key pursuant to the provisions and procedures provided herein, Section 3. Award of City Kev. That the City Key shall be awarded to those persons, firms. organizations or entities who have distinguished themselves for public recognition and appreciation by their achievements or accomplishments, by activities which include but are not limited to, the following: a. making of a valuable contribution in the fields of art, science or public health for the betterment of the lives of others; b. contributions to the enhancement of the quality of life in the City of A ventura. county, region, state or nation; c. contributions to the economic development of the City of A ventura; d. acts of heroism for which recognition is appropriate; e. rendering of service to the public; f, activities which otherwise warrant recognition by award of the City Key, Section 4. Procedure. That the procedure for the award of the City Key shall be that nominees for receipt of the City Key may be suggested by the Mayor or any Commissioner and be placed on the Agenda of any Commission Workshop meeting for consideration by the City Commission, Final Resolution No. 2005-62 Page 2 placed on the Agenda of any Commission Workshop meeting for consideration by the City Commission. Final approval shall be at a regular Commission meeting, Additionally, the Mayor or the Vice Mayor in the absence or unavailability of the Mayor may, in his or her discretion, from time to time, award the City Key to persons, firms, organizations, or entities who: a, clearly meet the criteria of Section 3 of this Resolution; or b, are dignitaries of Florida local and state government; or c. are foreign dignitaries who are recognized as valuable allies of the United States of America; under those circumstances in which time does not permit presentation of a nomination to the City Commission at a Workshop or regular meeting. Section s. Implementation. That the City Manager is authorized to provide for the implementation of the policies which are provided for herein and to arrange for the supply and purchase of the City Keys in accordance with appropriations made within the municipal budget. Section 6. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption hereof. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Diamond, who moved its adoption, The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Joel and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach yes Commissioner Bob Diamond yes Commissioner Harry Holzberg yes Commissioner Michael Stern yes Commissioner Luz Urbaez-Weinberg yes Vice Mayor Billy Joel yes Mayor Susan Gottlieb yes 2 Resolution No. 2005-~.?- Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of October, 2005. d Legal Sufficiency: H~~ City Attorney 3 ~..6UE 0, ,,~ (/~ ~.. ~ .... ..,. ~..A ~ ... 301 South Bronough Street. Suite 300. P.O. Box 1757. Tallohassee, Fl32302-1757. (850) 222-9684. Fax (850) 222-3806. www,flcitieuom TO: Municipal ~ej?fficial Micha~Yix.ecutive Director \llCEtJEO JUN () 3 'LGG9 Off\CE Of 'tHE cnY MANAG~ FROM: DATE: June 1,2009 SUBJECT: 83rd Annual Conference - Florida's Cities - the Heart of the Citizen VOTING DELEGATE AND RESOLUTION INFORMATION August 13-15,2009 - Orlando World Center Marriott/Orlando As you know, the Florida League of Cities' Annual Conference will be held at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida on August 13-15. This year we are celebrating Florida's Cities - the Heart of the Citizen which will provide valuable educational opportunities to help Florida's municipal officials serve their citizenry more effectively. It is important that each municipality designate one official to be the voting delegate. Election of League leadership and adoption of resolutions are undertaken during the business meeting, One official from each municipality will make decisions that determine the direction of the League. In accordance with the League's by-laws, each municipality's vote is determined by population, and the League will use the Estimates of Population from the University of Florida for 2008. Registration materials have already been sent to each municipality. Call us if you need additional copies. The League adopts resolutions each year to take positions on commemorative, constitutional or federal issues, We have attached the procedures your municipality should follow for proposing resolutions to the League membership, A resolution is not needed to become a voting delegate. If you have questions regarding resolutions, please call Allison Payne at the League at (850) 701-3602 or (800) 616-1513, extension 3602. Proposed resolutions must be received by the League no later than July 9, 2009. If you have any questions on voting delegates, please call Gail Dennard at the League (850) 701-3619 or (800) 616-1513, extension 3619. Voting delegate forms must be received by the League no later than July 27, 2009. Attachments: Form Designating Voting Delegate Procedures for Submitting Conference Resolution President Carmine Priore, Vice Mayor, Wellington First Vice President John Marks, Mayor, Tallahassee · Second Vice President Joy Cooper, Mayor, Hallandale Beach Executive Director Michael Sittig · General Counsel Harry Morrison, Jr. 83rd Annual Conference Florida League of Cities, Inc. August 13-15, 2009 Orlando, Florida It is important that each member municipality sending delegates to the Annual Conference of the Florida League of Cities, designate one of their officials to cast their votes at the Annual Business Session. League By-Laws requires that each municipality select one person to serve as the municipalities voting delegate. Municipalities do not need to adopt a resolution to designate a voting delegate. Please fill out this form and return it to the League office so that your voting delegate may be properly identified. Desi2:nation of Voting Delegate Name of Voting Delegate: Title: Municipality of: AUTHORIZED BY: Name Title Return this form to: Gail Dennard Florida League of Cities, Inc. Post Office Box 1757 Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757 Or Fax to Gail Dennard at (850) 222-3806 Procedures for Submitting Resolutions Florida League of Cities' 83rd Annual Conference Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando, Florida August 13-15, 2009 In order to fairly systematize the method for presenting resolutions to the League membership, the following procedures have been instituted: (1) Proposed resolutions must be submitted in writing, to be received in the League office by July 9, 2009, to guarantee that they will be included in the packet of proposed resolutions that will be submitted to the Resolutions Committee. (2) Proposed resolutions will be rewritten for proper form, duplicated by the League office and distributed to members of the Resolutions Committee. (Whenever possible, multiple resolutions on a similar issue will be rewritten to encompass the essential subject matter in a single resolution with a listing of original proposers,) (3) Proposed resolutions may be submitted directly to the Resolutions Committee at the conference; however, a favorable two-thirds vote of the committee will be necessary to consider such resolutions. (4) Proposed resolutions may be submitted directly to the business session of the conference without prior committee approval by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. In addition, a favorable weighted vote of a majority of members present will be required for adoption, (5) Proposed resolutions relating to state legislation will be referred to the appropriate standing policy committee. Such proposals will not be considered by the Resolutions Committee at the conference; however, all state legislative issues will be considered by the standing policy councils and the Legislative Committee, prior to the membership, at the annual Legislative Conference each fall. At that time, a state Legislative Action Agenda will be adopted. Municipalities unable to formally adopt a resolution before the deadline may submit a letter to the League office indicating their city is considering the adoption of a resolution, outlining the subj ect thereof in as much detail as possible, and this letter will be forwarded to the Resolutions Committee for consideration in anticipation of receipt of the formal resolution. Important Dates Mav 30. 2009 Notice to Local and Regional League Presidents and Municipal Associations regarding the Resolutions Committee June 30 Appointment of Resolutions Committee Members Julv 9 Deadline for Submitting Resolutions to the League office AU2:ust 13 League Standing Council Meetings Resolutions Committee Meeting Voting Delegates Registration AU2:ust 15 Immediately Following Breakfast - Pick Up Voting Delegate Credentials Followed by Annual Business Session