04-24-08 BUSINESS TAX EQUITY STUDY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING April 24, 2008 - 4 p.m. Government Center Executive Conference Room Aventura, Florida 33180 I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Thomas Oliveri. City Manager Eric M. Soroka called the roll. Members present: Elaine Adler Fernando Levy Hara Thomas Oliveri Alan Rosenthal Robert E. Sheir Members absent: Jeffrey Levinson Alan Lips Also present: Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, City Manager Brian Raducci, Finance Support Services Director II. Approval of Minutes: After motion made by Ms. Adler, seconded by Mr. Rosenthal and unanimously passed, the minutes of the April 1 0, 2008 meeting were approved. III. Staff Review: Mr. Raducci reviewed the proposed final report of the Board showing recommended changes to the current City Code regarding Business License Tax provisions and the detailed schedule. A motion to accept the report as prepared and recommend proposed changes to the Commission was offered by Dr. Sheir, seconded by Mr. Rosenthal and unanimously passed. IV. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meetin adjourned.